
Showing posts from November, 2017

Marcela Kane: To be a Mentor

Throughout the course of her career, Marcela Kane has provided mentorship to a number of her team members with the goal of helping them to develop professionally.  "As a researcher, I can tell you that how you best match people is probably the issue where we know the least about," says Tammy Allen, a professor of psychology at the University of South Florida and co-author of  Designing Workplace Mentoring Programs: An Evidence-Based Approach ."  You can almost think about this as some type of dating service. She's also seen companies use random processes for matching, such as picking names out of a hat. But she says the programs in which the participants have some input are usually the most successful. Doesn't really matter how you get there but If you are in a position to provide  mentorship  to others, it is important that you do what you can to develop your skills by considering all of the following pointers. Listen While it is impor...
Marcela Kane Lantrip: Workplace Diversity Marcela Kane is a Senior International Tax Manager  with Halliburton in Houston, Texas. She has over fifteen years of experience in her field and began her career in Latin America, where she was born and raised. As a Latin American woman in the United States workforce, Marcela Kane understands the value of workplace diversity. She is a strong supporter of the role of women in the professional workplace and is passionate about diversity in corporate America. In supporting workplace diversity, Mrs. Kane  has mentored several associates to provide the confidence and guidance that other professionals need to succeed. When starting her career all she wanted was for someone to take a chance on her, working for a multinational oil and gas service company, she was given the opportunity to take on as much work as she wanted and learn every aspect of the company. She has managed to work in every area of tax—federal, in...